Mme Isabelle CORNU

Team Mme Isabelle CORNU Orthoptist Isabelle Cornu graduated from the Lausanne School of Orthoptics in 1991, and since then has worked as orthoptist for several ophthalmologists in the Geneva area. She worked as a technician for diagnostic eye examinations at the A. de Rothschild Hospital and later at the MV Santé clinic. Since 2005, after […]

Mme Sandrine DURY

Team Mme Sandrine DURY OrthoptistOrthoptics, Neuro-ophthalmologyComplementary and refractive eye examinations After studying in Paris, Ms Sandrine Dury received her diploma in Orthoptics from the Pierre and Marie Curie University Paris VI in 2008, before graduating in neuro-ophthalmology at the Sorbonne. She trained in various Paris hospitals (Pitié Salpêtrière, Necker Children’s Hospital, and Quinze-Vingts National Ophthalmology […]

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